Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2017

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Note: A minimum of 25 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium extra large west allis nighthawks
Jack Jorgenson
1. Jack Jorgenson .440
2. JJ Rosado .321
3. Collin Luty .298
4. John Offenbacker .295
5. Ryan Treichel .293
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium extra large west allis nighthawks
JJ Rosado
1. JJ Rosado .500
2. Christian Gerner .500
3. Jack Jorgenson .491
4. Jake Schwall .395
5. Collin Luty .370
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium extra large west allis nighthawks
Jack Jorgenson
1. Jack Jorgenson 1.011
2. JJ Rosado .964
3. Christian Gerner .952
4. Ryan Treichel .947
5. Collin Luty .775
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium extra large west allis nighthawks
Ryan Treichel
1. Ryan Treichel .585
2. Jack Jorgenson .520
3. JJ Rosado .464
4. Christian Gerner .452
5. Collin Luty .404
Note: A minimum of 9 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Original extra large west allis nighthawks
Alex Tomter
1. Alex Tomter 2.49
2. Jake Rybakowski 2.70
3. David Milhsimmer 6.55
4. Jon Mann 9.53
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Original extra large west allis nighthawks
Alex Tomter
1. Alex Tomter 1.34
2. Jake Rybakowski 1.39
3. David Milhsimmer 1.79
4. Jon Mann 2.38
Innings Pitched IP
Original extra large west allis nighthawks
Alex Tomter
1. Alex Tomter 47.0
2. Jake Rybakowski 36.2
3. David Milhsimmer 33.0
4. Jon Mann 11.1
5. Jack Jorgenson 5.0